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#15 Protecting Your Client's Memories
As a photographer, you know that your client's images are your most valuable asset. They're the stories of your client's lives. I believe it’s not only our job to create those images, but it’s our job to make sure...
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#14 Q&A with MK
In this episode, I'm answering your questions about a wide range of topics, including: How to choose the right camera for your needs How to get your business legal Dealing with the competition and so much more! Listen...
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#13 The BEST Free Tool for Branding Your Photography Business
Today, we're going to be talking about how to DIY your photography marketing and branding using one of my favorite tools, Canva. Canva is an online graphic design platform that makes it easy to create...
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#12 Five Excuses Photographers Make That Keep Them Stuck
Today we're going to be talking about 5 excuses I hear photographers making that keep them stuck rather it’s in starting their business or leveling up their business to start seeing real money coming in. Over the 23...
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#11 How to Make a 4-day Work Week Your New Normal
After 23 years in business, I’ve learned a lot about how to be successful in this business, and one of the most important things I've learned is that you don't have to work long hours to be successful. In fact, I...
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#10 How to Find the Time to Start a Photography Business Even when You're a Busy Mom.
In today's episode, we're going to be talking about time management for busy moms who want to start a photography business. I know that time is a precious commodity for moms, so I'm going to share some tips on how to...
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#9 Student Spotlight: Leandra Nicole Photography
In this episode, I am interviewing the first graduate of the Idea to Income Coaching Program, a program designed to help busy moms start and grow their own businesses. My guest Leandra, shares her story of having a...
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#8 Pricing for New Photographers
As a new photographer, it can be difficult to know how to price your services and products. You are wondering what is too high, what is too low - or are you even good enough to charge. Today's episode gives you a...
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#7 My Greatest Accomplishment as an Entrepreneur
When you start your own business, it’s not just an opportunity to impact your family financially. The impact you truly have, has no monetary value. As a photographer and entrepreneur for the last 23 years I’ve...
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#6 Beginning Gear for Photographers that won’t Break the Bank
I remember when I first started out, I was so excited about taking pictures and getting new clients! However, all the tech stuff, like learning about which equipment to buy was intimidating. This episode is perfect...
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#5 Is your dream going nowhere fast? Q&A with MK
Let me ask you a question - have you been thinking about starting a photography business but struggling to find answers to figure out your next step? Do you feel like you're spinning your wheels and going nowhere...
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#4 If I were to start my business all over again ...
Time is money. In today’s episode I share two important things I would do to save me time (and money) if I were starting my business all over again. Links mentioned: Idea to Income...
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